5 Ways to Deal With Peer Pressure

It could also alienate individuals from their family members and true friends. Individuals are more likely to give into peer pressure in social settings and are more likely to drink if those around them are. When attending social settings alone, a person’s odds of drinking increase. The systems of the brain that respond to reward are easily aroused during adolescence.

  • Setting realistic expectations and goals for oneself is crucial in resisting external pressure and making choices that align with personal values and aspirations.
  • As the name suggests, spoken peer pressure is when someone verbally influences another person to do something.
  • Start by hanging around with people who don’t pressure you to do things.

If you are going somewhere new with new people, make sure someone you trust has your location and can pick you up if you need. If you don’t feel particularly strong about a topic or activity but you are uncomfortable with it, make up a reason to excuse yourself. For example, say you have to go eat, or your roommate needs you for something, and politely leave.

How To Deal With Peer Pressure At Work

Thus, our mind may seek ways to gain peer support, even if those actions fail to align with our morals or values. We often look at peer pressure as this ominous thing that people are doing on purpose, but usually it’s not that simple or malicious. The peer who is trying to pressure someone else might be just as lost and unsure of themselves, looking for validation by getting someone else to do what they’ve done. If you’ve decided that your friends don’t have your best interests at heart, search out new friends who share your values and interests.

how to deal with peer pressure

Rising above peer pressure means not giving into the pull of others to act in a certain way. No matter your age, you can practice not giving into negative peer pressure and work on surrounding yourself with more positive influences. When it comes to pressures around alcohol and other drug use, something else to think about is that most students overestimate how many of their peers drink or use drugs. The truth is that many fewer college students drink or use drugs than people assume. It’s similar with sex and “hooking up”—most students have a skewed idea of what others are doing.

How to Avoid Peer Pressure

Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, says the need to belong has been seen as a basic human motivation. The best way to handle a peer pressure bully is to nab him (or her) when the two of you are alone and explain how you’re feeling and ask him/her how to deal with peer pressure to get off your case. If you know there’s going to be alcohol or drugs at a party, make other plans. Or, if you’re going out with a guy, avoid being alone with him… anywhere he might pressure you to get more physical than you want to be.

  • Negative influences can come from various sources, such as toxic relationships, social media, or societal expectations.
  • Indirect pressure happens when you witness others engaging in an activity and are motivated to do the same.
  • Unfortunately, not everyone is a good friend, nor does everyone have good intentions.

Less alcohol consumption could give way to a healthier lifestyle, letting you engage in safe activities alongside loved ones. You avoid the consequences of alcohol, stressful situations and negative influences. In the case of negative peer pressure, it’s a lot easier to want to step in and teach them to avoid it. Peer pressure and being a teenager go hand in hand, but it’s good to help teens learn how to navigate this teenage peer pressure to live healthy, safe, fun, and rewarding lives. Make sure there is someone to call if you are feeling pressured to drink in social situations. Your peers should not control your decisions, so don’t let them.

Provide strategies for developing assertiveness skills to maintain personal boundaries

Reflecting on past experiences and learning from mistakes allows individuals to grow, adapt, and make more informed decisions in the face of peer pressure. Building self-confidence involves recognizing and appreciating our strengths, celebrating our achievements, and embracing self-compassion. Engaging in activities that challenge us, setting achievable goals, and https://ecosoberhouse.com/ practicing positive self-talk are effective techniques for boosting self-confidence. Similarly, nurturing self-esteem involves cultivating self-acceptance, acknowledging our worth, and prioritizing self-care. Developing self-confidence and self-esteem is essential for resisting peer pressure and making independent decisions that align with our authentic selves.

For example, you might see what kids in your class are wearing, like it, and wear something like that, too. You might want to be like your peers, even if they’re not pressuring you. It’s possible that a friend who is peer pressuring you simply wants to spend more time with you or connect with you, but they don’t know how else to ask.